Zoning Board of Appeals
Vacancies: Zoning Board Member, Zoning Board Alternate Member
Please take notice that the TOWN OF GARDINER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS published meeting date of October 22, 2024 is being rescheduled to October 29, 2024 in order to continue the review of an appeal submitted by the Awosting Club, 50 Camp Ridge Road, Gardiner, SBL: 92.4-1-71.100. The meeting will be held at Town Hall, 2340 Route 44/55, in the Town of Gardiner and begin at 7:00 pm. The meeting will be held in-person and via zoom. A zoom link to
the meeting will be posted on the town’s website, www.townofgardiner.org. All documents pertaining to the appeal are posted on the town’s website.
Here is a link to the AWOSTING CLUB Public Share Files:
Please email any questions to
gardinerplanning@gmail.com or call 845-255-9675 ext. 112.
Michael Makely
Zoning Board Secretary
Next Meeting of the Z.B.A.
October 29th, 2024 at 7pm
Held at Gardiner Town Hall and via Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Or dial-in by telephone using same Meeting ID and Passcode above: +1 (929) 205 6099
Meeting Agenda: October 29, 2024, 7:00 pm
Note: Subject to Change
Old Business:
Awosting Club
50 Camp Ridge Road, Gardiner, SBL: 92.4-1-71 Appeal Application
-motion to adjourn
The Zoning Board of Appeals will meet, when necessary, on the fourth Thursday of each month unless noticed otherwise. Deadline for submissions is the first day of the month.
Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals
Rich Cerruto, email: GardinerZBAChairman@gmail.com
Zoning Board Members
Michael MacElhiney
Lisa Lindsley
Zach Heller
Alternate - vacant
ZBA Clerk
Michael Makely - Please email gardinerplanning@gmail.com for current department hours
Upcoming vacancies on the Zoning Board of Appeals: Zoning Board Member (Full), Zoning Board Member Alternate
The deadline for complete Submissions to the Zoning Board Of Appeals is the 1st of each month. Zoning Board Of Appeals Meetings are held when necessary on the 4th Thursday of each month.
ZBA Meeting Minutes
September 28, 2023 Minutes
May 22, 2023 Minutes
April 27, 2023 Minutes
March 23, 2023 Minutes
September 22, 2022 Minutes
April 28, 2022 Minutes
For ZBA info prior to 2023, please contact the Zoning Board Clerk at 845-255-9675 ext. 108
September 28, 2023 ZBA Meeting Agenda
August 24, 2023 ZBA Meeting Agenda
May 22, 2023 ZBA Meeting Agenda
April 27, 2023 ZBA Meeting Agenda
March 23, 2023 ZBA Meeting Agenda
Planning and zoning issues in the town of Gardiner are the responsibility of two different appointed boards: the town Planning Board and the town Zoning Board of Appeals. The Planning Board is advised by a professional planning consultant, but the town does not employ a town planner or planning department. The town Building Inspector serves as the Code Enforcement Officer and often advises applicants concerning the effect of various provisions of the town Zoning Local Law.
Under the law, the ZBA has the power to hear and decide appeals from decisions of those officials charged with the administration and enforcement of the zoning ordinance or local law. In discharging this duty, its primary function is to interpret the zoning ordinance and decide whether to grant variances.
Meetings of the Zoning Board of Appeals and Public Hearings scheduled are open to the public and by zoom at the link found below on this webpage.
When held, ZBA Meetings are scheduled on the Fourth Thursday of the month at 7pm.